ISG - SR Naik Memorial Award

ISG- SR Naik Best Researcher of the Year Award

ISG Best Researcher of the Year Award is awarded every year to a distinguished member of ISG in recognition of her/his best publication in a calendar year. (Jan 1 2022 to Dec 31 2022)

General Eligibility Selection Process
  • The applicant should be a member of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
  • The applicant should be of Indian Nationality.
  • Work should have been done in India.
  • Applicant should apply for only one award at a time.
  • Awardee will be selected by a panel of 3 Judges per award nominated by the ISG executive. Judges should not be part of the ISG executive. Judge's opinion will be conveyed to the executive for final approval.
  • In case no nomination is received or no suitable applicant is found, the Governing Council along with a representative of the Trust (if required) will have the right to nominate any person who fulfils these criteria.

Specific Eligibility Criteria

  • The award will be conferred to an Indian scientist for the best-published work in the field of diseases of the digestive tract and liver, and other sciences related to these areas.
  • The applicant should have done research in any branch of Gastroenterology, as evidenced by publications in recognized journals in the previous calendar year (January 1st to December 31st 2021)
Criteria for selection Scores
Impact factors of publications 20
Total Number of indexed publications 20
Number of publications in previous calendar year 20
Combined impact factor of previous years publications 20
Relevance to India 20
Total Score 100

Award Includes

  • A certificate of honour and plaque will be presented during ISGCON.
  • Cash award

Please submit:

  • Please submit all the relevant details in support of the above-mentioned criteria. This will help the judges to make an appropriate decision.
  • Please include the list of papers published in the concerned year.
  • A write-up of 500 words for the award applied which justifies his/her eligibility for the award
  • CV with Photograph (Max 250 Words)

The Past winners of the SR Naik Memorial Award