Master Class

Stepwise management of acute pancreatitis - Dr Pramod Garg

NASH - Current and emerging treatment - Dr Ajay Duseja

Approach to Solid SOLs in the pancreas - Dr Surinder Rana

Learning Endoscopic Skills : Mantra for the Beginners - Dr DN Reddy

Esophageal Manometry and Impendance - Dr Uday C Ghoshal

Diagnosis and Management of HBV in 2020 - Dr S K Sarin

AKI in Liver Cirrhosis - Dr Rakhi Maiwall

Management of Crohn's Disease - Dr Vineet Ahuja

Imaging of Liver SOLs - Dr Raju Sharma

Management of HCC - Dr Anil Arora

Approach to Chronic Constipation - Dr Govind Makharia

Approach to a patient with dyspepsia - Dr Usha Dutta

Management of autoimmune liver disease - Dr Shalimar

Approach to a patient with incidentally detected neuro-endocrine tumour - Dr A S Puri

Stepwise Management of Alcoholic Hepatitis - Dr Kaushal

Sarcopenia in Chronic Liver Disease - Dr A C Anand

Management of Chronic Hepatitis C - Dr Pankaj Puri

Newer Concept in the Pathogenesis and Management in ACLF - Dr Rajiv Jalan

Approach to common GI Systems : Belching, Hiccoughs and Proctalgia Fugax - Dr Amit Dutta

Stepwise Management of Ascites - Dr Akash Shukla

Diagnosis and Management of Biliary Stricture - Dr. Randhir Sud

Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pancreatitis - Dr. Manu Tandan

GI Cancer Series: Gastrointestinal Lymphoma - Dr K M Mohandas

GI Cancer Series: Carcinoma Gall Bladder - Dr Vivek A Saraswat (Moderator), Dr Anil Aggarwal (Panellists), Dr Atul Sharma (Panellists), Dr S S Baijal (Panellists), Dr Praveer Rai(Panellists)

GI Cancer Series: Cholangiocarcinoma - Dr Sundeep Lakhtakia (Moderator), Dr P Jagannath (Panellists), Dr Anant Ramaswamy (Panellists), Dr Shivanand Gamanaggati (Panellists), Dr Rajesh Puri (Panellists)

GI Cancer Series: Carcinoma Pancreas - Dr G N Ramesh (Moderator), Dr Shailash Shrikhande (Panellists), Dr Raju Sharma (Panellists), Dr Akash Jha (Panellists), Dr Sudipta Dhar Chowdhury (Panellists)

GI Cancer Series: Esophageal Carcinoma - Dr Bhaskar Nandi (Moderator), Dr Amit Maydeo(Panellists), Dr C S Pramesh (Panellists), Dr B K Mohanti (Panellists), Dr Amit Agarwal (Panellists), Dr Saugata Sen (Panellists)

GI Cancer Series: Carcinoma Stomach - Dr Mohandas K Mallath (Moderator), Dr Vinay Dhir(Panellists), Dr Robin Thambudorai (Panellists), Dr B K Smruti (Panellists), Dr Ashwathy S Mathew (Panellists)

GI Cancer Series: GI Cancer Series: Panel Discussion Multimodality Treatment of Colorectal Cancer - Dr Mahesh Kumar Goenka (Moderator) Dr Shaesta Mehta(Panellists), Dr Robin Mittal (Panellists), Dr Atul Sharma (Panellists), Dr Ankur Goyal (Panellists)

Approach to chronic diarrhea and malabsorption

Approach to Large bowel diarrhea with luminal obstructive features

Approach to patients with constipation

Approach to lump abdomen

Approach to a patient with recurrent jaundice

Approach to a patient with cirrhosis with HCC

Approach to a patient with acute pancreatitis and complication

Approach to a patient with chronic pancreatitis and complication

Approach to a patient with Jaundice with GI bleeding

Approach to a patient with extrahepatic biliary obstruction

Understanding of normal and abnormal liver biopsies - Dr S D Gupta

Understanding normal and abnormal small intestinal biopsies - Dr Prasenjit Das

Understanding of normal and abnormal large intestine biopsies & in differentiation b/w intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's disease - Dr Anna Pulimood

Imaging of the Liver - Dr. Shivanand Gamanagatti

Imaging of the Small & Large Intestine - Dr Raju Sharma

Portal Hypertension - Dr. S K Sarin

Managing and Reporting Endoscopic Complications - Dr. Reddy

Biologics in IBD How to choose the right one for the patient - Dr. Vineet Ahuja

Alcohol related Liver Diseases – Dr. CE Eapen

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Management Options – Dr. Shobna Bhatia

Non achalasia oesophageal motility disorders - how to manage – Dr. Uday C Ghoshal