ISG - Best DM/ DNB thesis Award

Best DM/ DNB thesis award

An individual member can apply herself or himself for the prestigious ISG Best DM/DNB thesis Award.

General Eligibility Selection Process
  • The applicant should be a member of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
  • The applicant should be of Indian Nationality.
  • Work should have been done in India.
  • Applicant should apply for only one award at a time.
  • Awardee will be selected by a panel of 3 Judges per award nominated by the ISG executive. Judges should not be part of the ISG executive. Judges’ opinions will be conveyed to the executive for final approval.
  • In case no nomination is received or no suitable applicant is found, the Governing Council will have the right to nominate any person who fulfils these criteria.

Specific Eligibility Criteria

  • Thesis should have been submitted and approved by the external panel appointed by the institute.
  • Publication emanating from the thesis should have been published/accepted for publication in an index journal as an original article within 2 years of thesis submission.
  • Anybody who has submitted DM/DNB thesis in Gastroenterology will be Eligible within 2 years after passing the DM/DNB exam.

Award Includes

  • A certificate of honour and plaque will be presented during ISGCON.
  • Cash award

Please submit:

  • Please submit paper published based on DM/ DNB thesis
  • CV with Photograph (Max 250 Words)

The Past winners of the V Balakrishnan Distinguished Clinician Award